Rosebud Buffet & Theatre
Barbara Hames
13 Nov. 2024 |
Calgary West
Date: Wednesday, November 13th, 2024
Gathering Place: Grey Eagle Casino & Hotel, 9:00 a.m.
Cost: $120. per person Includes round-trip bus ride, buffet lunch, shopping and live production of "Christmas on the Air."
Please respond to Barbie Hames at or Philippa Gear at
Barbie Hames & Philippa Gear have once again arranged for us to attend Rosebud Theatre for their Christmas production, including a fabulous buffet lunch.
And there still is room on the bus for you and possibly your neighbour or friend to join us.
If you haven't experienced Rosebud yet, here is what you should know:
- Rosebud is a Hamlet northeast of Calgary in the Badlands (approximately 1 hour & 20 minutes)
- "Rosebud is a hidden gem that excels is combining delicious food, gracious hospitality, and professional live theatre and entertainment in a serene and peaceful river valley. "Come live the Rosebud experience."
- Joining Barbie & Philippa on the bus extends your experience. They make the journey in the country so special with their games, stories & snacks.