We will work with a small group of up to 15 youth in grades 7-9 for two hours once a week over a period of 10 weeks to help them:
- Increase their motivation for learning at school
- Strengthen their literacy skills (reading, writing, critical thinking) while learning about "soft" skills such as self-determination, confidence, perseverance, and positive mind-set
Programe participants will be identified by their school as being:
- At risk of disengaging from learning
- And/or at risk of leaving school early
We hope to implement the program in 3 program cycles, reaching 45 youth, and working with 3 high-needs schools.
Expected Outcomes:
- Increased motivation for learning
- Improved engagement in learning at school
- Increased sense of well-being
Outcomes will be measured using the following evaluation tools:
- Youth self-rating scales
- Program facilitators' running records
- Teachers' feedback
- Parents' feedback